Click here to register, please read all the information and instructions in the Registration Form carefully:

* Presenters and participants who submit the fees before 11:59 PM on September 30, 2024 (Vietnam time) will enjoy a preferential fee rate.

Bank Information:

– Account Name      :  TRUONG DAI HOC NGOAI NGU – DHDN

– Account Number  :  2009 201 00 1192

– Bank Name            :  Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

– Branch                    :  Cho Moi Branch, Danang

– SWIFT Code         :  VBAAVNVX


– Delegates are responsible for your own travel and accommodation expenses during the conference participation period.

– Delegates are requested to specify the transfer details in the following format:

+ Presenter: ‘<Paper Code*>-<Full Name>-<Affiliation>’ (Example: SEAAIR001-NguyenVanAn-UniversityOfForeignLanguagesDaNang);

*The paper code will be provided in the acceptance notification of the abstract submission.

+ Non-presenting participant: ‘SEAAIR-<Full Name>-<Affiliation>’ (Example: SEAAIR-NguyenVanAn-UniversityOfForeignLanguagesDaNang).

– The Conference Organizing Committee will send a confirmation email to the delegate after you have completed the fee payment.